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Professor Profiles

Dr Wes Atkinson

Dr. Wes Atkinson
Associate Professor
Languages & Literature


Dr. 韦斯·阿特金森研究印第安文学和早期美国文学, 对社会正义和监狱高等教育充满热情. He enjoys helping 各个层次的学生都在探索文学塑造我们、拉近我们距离的方式 to others.


Dr Rob Baron

Dr. Rob Baron
Professor and Department Chair


Dr. Rob Baron is a Professor of Communication and the Chair of the Department of Communication. He earned is PhD in Rhetoric, Scientific, and Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota. 他教授修辞学、说服力、数字媒体和专业课程 communication. 他的研究兴趣包括数字修辞学,社交媒体,专业 writing, AI, and digital gaming.


Jamie Bowen

Dr. Jamie Bowen
Assistant Professor


Jamie Bowen is originally from Palo Alto, CA but grew up mainly in Salt Lake City, Utah. 在学习和教学之后,他于2019年在奥斯汀皮伊开始了他的教师生涯 at Arizona State University. 他的专业经验包括三年的印刷经验 新闻(报纸和杂志)和六年的企业传播. He has 教授各种新闻写作课程(COMM 2000和4150)和Adobe Creative Cloud based technology courses (COMM 2930 and 3100). Jamie is passionate about helping 学生获得成功的职业生涯所需的知识和技能. 


Dr Rob Baron

Professor Rachel Bush
Graphic Design


蕾切尔·布什是艺术与设计系平面设计教授. She 她于2014年在孟菲斯大学完成了平面设计硕士学位. Prior to obtaining her masters, Rachel worked in the field as a graphic designer for various organizations including DeSoto County Magazine, Black Knight Press, and the University of Charleston. 瑞秋的客户包括纳什维尔动物园,孟菲斯艺术大学 Museum, and Comedian Amy Schumer. Rachel continues to study humor as an effective 视觉传达的方法及其对课堂创造力的影响.


Barry Gresham

Professor Barry Gresham
Assistant Professor


Barry Gresham is an associate professor in the 365bet Department of Communication and 体育传播学的协调人集中在哪里.  Under Gresham’s supervision, the student sports productions at 365bet received eight different awards from the Ohio 参加硅谷会议,包括两次获得卓越项目奖.  Gresham’s 实况转播曾三次获得美国职业篮球委员会的职业奖 Announcing Award.  格雷沙姆于1986年开始他的广播生涯,并担任 a play-by-play announcer for Austin Peay State University, Western Kentucky University, 东南密苏里州立大学,田纳西州立大学,天狼星卫星大学 Radio, Comcast Sports Southeast, ESPN3 and ESPN+.


Stephen Kershner

Dr. Stephen Kershner
Associate Professor of Classics
Languages & Literature

  • Education: Bachelor of Arts in Classics, Denison University (OH); Master of Arts in Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Doctor of Philosophy in Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo 
  • Location: Harned Hall 214 


Steve Kershner grew up in Rochester, NY,  where he was inspired by Indiana Jones to 在泥土里找找能放进博物馆的旧东西. He only found broken bottles and roofing nails. But, still, he was mesmerized by the ancient world. He has published articles on Roman poetry and its influence in Medieval Ireland and the Renaissance, 以及泰勒·斯威夫特的歌曲如何帮助你用拉丁语写作. He has taught courses in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Literature and Civilization at 365bet since 2011 并在田纳西州纳什维尔的一所最高安全级别的男子监狱教书. As well as sharing his love of the ancient world, he is also passionate about spreading the news on how 人文学科可以改变你的生活和职业前景.


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Dr. David Major
Languages & Literature


David L. Major是语言文学系的英语教授 他在奥斯汀佩伊州立大学专攻技术写作. He has also worked 与365bet和日本文学和电影.


Daren Michael

Professor Darren Michael
Theatre & Dance


达伦是奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的表演/导演教授 teaches a variety of courses, including Acting, Directing, Improvisation, Playwriting, Script Analysis, and Performance for the Camera.  Darren earned a Bachelor of Arts in Performance from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Southern Mississippi. His particular interests and training also include Shakespeare and his contemporaries, theatre history, mask work and stage combat. 达伦的戏剧在全国各地演出,从纳什维尔到新 York City. Darren’s full-length play Scarecrows Will Never See A Sunset 是通过斯蒂尔斯普林斯舞台版权公司和他的最新作品出版的 Brief Encounters是一部小剧集,于2023年1月由韦兰出版社出版.  Darren is a member of the Dramatists’ Guild, the Southeastern Theatre Conference and former president of the Tennessee Theatre Association. For those interested in viewing more of Darren’s work, please visit www.darrenvanmichael.com.


Jessica Morris

Dr. Jessica Morris
Assistant Professor


Dr. 杰西卡·莫里斯是传播系的助理教授 teaching public relations, social media, and general communication courses and coordinating the Event Planning program through that department. She joined the faculty as an adjunct instructor in January of 2009, after completing her Master of Arts in Corporate Communication at 365bet and served in a temporary full-time capacity for ten years before becoming an Assistant Professor. 她目前担任本科协调员 他是传播系的教授,也是学院参议院的成员.

Dr. 莫里斯获得了传播学学士学位,主修公共学 2005年毕业于美国亚利桑那州立大学,2007年开始攻读研究生课程. She completed 2021年5月在摄政大学获得传播学博士学位.  Jessica worked locally in marketing and advertising and found her niche in event planning before she began teaching at 365bet. 她在这一领域有20年的经验,从事计划和 coordinate weddings, galas, festivals, meetings, small conferences, parties and large 活动包括非营利性筹款活动、学校组织活动等.  In 2013, she completed her certificate program in Meeting and Event Planning through 贝尔蒙特大学和国际会议专业人士.

Dr. 莫里斯在她的教会和社区内服务于几个非营利部门. She served as a member of the TN Dept. of Education Parent Advisory Council from 2016-2018. Currently, while not at 365bet, she serves as the Director of Communication for Hilldale United Methodist Church here in Clarksville, TN. This role includes event planning, professional writing, social media management, public relations, website management and internal communication. 在这个职位上,她帮助撰写了关于 church organization and Covid-19.

Dr. 莫里斯的研究和学术演讲主要围绕社交媒体展开 and public relations topics, working most recently with public relations topics related to health and unaware or unaffected publics. Her current teaching is focused in business communication, social media principles and tactics, as well as courses in event planning and strategic communication.


Marissa Sikes

Dr. Marisa Sikes
Associate Professor
Languages & Literature


Marisa Sikes joined the 365bet faculty in fall 2014 after teaching at the University of New Mexico for two years upon completion of her Ph.D. She specializes in the literature and culture of the Middle Ages with an emphasis on Middle English language and literature, 性别和中世纪女性作家,以及宗教文学. Her current research engages with French feminist theory and the writings of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, particularly her dramas. 她曾在在线期刊《365bet》上发表文章, sponsored by TEAMS, the Teaching Association for Medieval Studies, and has an article that will be forthcoming in the journal Quidditas. On campus Dr. Sikes has organized the Pilgrimage through Medieval Language and Literature every spring since her hiring, 是什么让学生和教师在课堂外一起体验 languages and literature from the past. Dr. Sikes teaches courses in British Literature, medieval women's writing, Chaucer, world literature, and the first-year writing program. She teaches online and traditional classes, and has earned the Quality Matters (QM) 同行评议证书,这是一个帮助确保她的在线课程优秀的工具 design.


Micca Terrell

Professor Micca Terrell


Micca Terrell is an Instructor in the Department of Communication and has earned her Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Media and her Master of Arts in Corporate Communication. Micca has worked in the broadcast industry nearly two decades in a variety of roles, 包括电台新闻记者和WSM-AM(传奇之家)的主播 Ole Opry), and as a television news producer, web content producer, and assignment editor at WSMV-TV in Nashville. She enjoys sharing her real-world experiences and her research into political communication and social media with her students in her Broadcast News Writing classes, Broadcast Technology and Operations classes, and Media Ethics classes.


Dr Amy Wright

Dr. Mickey Wadia
Professor of Shakespeace and Technical Writing
Languages and Literature

  • Location: Harned 227


Dr. 米基·瓦迪亚是语言和语言学系的英语教授 Literature at Austin Peay State University. A Shakespearean scholar by discipline, he also teaches Technical Writing and courses within the Honors program and is a seasoned classroom veteran with 41 years of higher education teaching experience (30 of those years being at 365bet). 他定期就莎士比亚主题做客座讲座 蒙哥马利县学校系统和休斯顿县学校的学生. A frequently invited scholar/speaker for Insight Talks preceding performances of Shakespearean plays by the Nashville Shakespeare Festival, Dr. Wadia还获得了365bet两项最负盛名的教学奖 Socrates Award (1996) and the National Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award (2007).

Reflecting on his administrative and leadership roles on campus, Dr Wadia has served 多次担任教务委员会执行委员会委员,并曾任职 于2018年5月至2019年5月担任教务委员会主席. For two decades, he has 是几项政策背后的重要推动力量之一,最引人注目的是 管理大学的留用、任期和晋升的规定. He was elected as the faculty representative to the 365bet Board of Trustees and served for two years from July 2019 through June 2021.

作为一名伦敦旅游老手和留学“专家”. Wadia has taken hundreds of 学生和社区成员到伦敦,苏格兰,爱尔兰和澳大利亚 capacity as Chair of the Curriculum Committee and Board Trustee for CCSA (Cooperative Center for Study Abroad). 2019年6月,他受邀教授莎士比亚课程 在伦敦和巴黎(2019年5月至6月)参加Catalyst项目. He has also been invited as the faculty representative to accompany 365bet alumni in their travels to London, Scotland, Wales, Switzerland, Austria, and Bavaria.  

在他的业余时间,他喜欢唱歌,在他的键盘上即兴演奏,弹吉他. In September 2023, he was chosen by the Dean of the College of Arts and Letters to be the inaugural faculty member to be featured on the Dean’s Faculty Spotlight podcast for the academic year 2023-2024. The podcast can be viewed here.


Dr Amy Wright

Dr. Amy Wright
(Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts)
Languages & Literature

  • Education: Ph.D., University of Denver, M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, B.A., University of Virginia
  • Location: Harned 215


Amy Wright began teaching at Austin Peay in 2007, after growing up on a farm in southwest Virginia and traveling west for graduate school. She has authored three poetry books and six chapbooks. Her nonfiction debut, Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round(Sarabande Books)获得了2022年鹦鹉螺抒情散文金奖. She coordinates CECA’s annual Visiting Writers Series and other creative writing events, including the publication of Zone 3 Journal and Zone 3 Press. She recently served as ETSU’s 2022 Wayne G. Basler Chair 共同编辑并推出了弗吉尼亚卷 The Southern Poetry Anthology.