
B.S. 数学 -学习项目

All 数学 majors complete a set of eight classes in our 数学专业 Core 如下所示:

  • 数学1910 -微积分1
  • 数学1920 -微积分II
  • 数学2110 -微积分III
  • 数学3010 -数学推理入门
  • 数学3450 -线性代数
  • 数学/统计4240 -概率
  • 数学4450 -数学模型
  • 数学/STAT 4810 -高级研讨会

In addition to the core classes, students choose between one of five options for their concentration that determines the remaining requirements for their major: 数学, 数学教育, 统计数据, 保险精算学, or 数据科学.  See below the description of each concentration 和 a 4-year plan to help you design 完成数学专业的课程表. Click on any of our majors or concentrations for further information.  


数学 provides elegant 和 effective tools for solving problems in virtually every area of human endeavor, from the sciences to business 和 economics to the social sciences 和 is especially appealing to students who like to solve problems. 目的 of the 数学 concentration is to give students an underst和ing of the structure of mathematics, to stimulate their interest in research, 和 to prepare them for later 工作. 学生 can use their background in mathematics as an entry to other fields such as physics, computer science, software engineering, economics, business, finance, 医学或法律.  Our major also fully prepares our majors for further study in Master's Ph值的.D. 数学或其他相关领域的课程.  我们邀请您加入我们 in exploring the fascinating world of mathematics 和 its applications.  学生 can select between a pure or applied math option if they choose a mathematics major 没有下列浓度之一.


The 数学教育 concentration leads to a secondary certification in mathematics. The secondary certification licensure is designed for individuals desiring to teach mathematics in grades 7-12 in both middle 和 high school settings, although a还需要额外的教育课程.  School systems are always in need of graduates with strong mathematical backgrounds to teach 和 inspire our next generation of doctors, scientists, engineers, 和 mathematicians.  



统计数据 is the the science of gathering 和 analyzing data. 雇佣统计学家 all over the world in many capacities: to determine effectiveness 和 safety of new medicines for pharmaceutical companies; to control quality in manufacturing processes; to determine policy premiums 和 estimate probable payoffs for insurance companies; to analyze consumer dem和; to plan 和 develop services for various segments of society 政府机构. 有关统计职业的更多信息,请访问 美国统计协会网站:http://www.amstat.org/careers

Although there are jobs for statisticians with undergraduate degrees, a number of 雇主要求高学历. 奥斯丁·皮伊的统计中心 provides excellent preparation for 工作 at the Master's level; our graduates have gone to graduate school in statistics or taken actuary exams.


Actuarial science is the use of mathematics 和 statistics to study 和 manage risk, focusing on ways to evaluate the probabilities of future events occurring 和 finding ways to decrease the chances of or reduce the impact of negative events.  精算师结合 their skills in math, stats, finance, 和 economics to solve problems involving risk 工作ing in the insurance industry, for the government, 和 for banks 和 other financial entities.  Our 保险精算学 concentration prepares for a career as an actuary, which is consistently ranked as a top job in terms of salary, 工作 environment, 和 employment outlook, along with many other careers in finance 和 insurance.


数据科学是一个新兴领域. 对数据科学的需求很高 professionals across many industries including technology, public health, business, 保险、银行、环境等. 美国劳工统计局报告 that jobs for data scientists will increase faster than the average until the year of 2028.


数学 plays increasingly important roles in many fields including economics, biology, medicine, manufacturing, 和 logistics just to name a few. 许多研究生 programs in these areas encourage or expect applicants to be competent in calculus, 线性代数和统计学. 辅修18个小时的数学就可以完成 这是大多数情况下的需求.


精算师在当今的经济中扮演着至关重要的角色. 他们管理风险:风险 不希望的、意外的事件发生了. 精算师帮助管理财务风险 产生于不确定性. 精算师不仅在保险公司工作,还在 in government, private corporations, college 和 universities, banks 和 investment firms, public accounting firms, labor unions, rating bureaus 和 many other places. No matter where they 工作, the actuarial profession is consistently rated as one of 排名靠前的工作. 不管你的专业是什么,an actuarial science minor would be a great 除了你的简历. 有18个学分,这将是一个理想的辅修课程 for students who are graduating with major in computer science, business, finance, 会计、物理、数学或工程.


统计数据 is vital to every modern industry including forensic science, agriculture, engineering, medicine, business, finance, healthcare administration- statisticians 在每个人的后院玩耍!  了解一些基本的统计工具 make you competitive in the job market, 和 using these tools can actually be fun!  Job prospects are very good for those with statistical sense, 和 statisticians with 研究生学位的起薪很高.  不管你的专业是什么,a statistics minor can be attractive on a resume 和 very useful on the job.


学术公报包括课程描述 数学统计数据 课程.